Enchanted Nuclear

Adds a realistic neptunium, plutonium, thorium and radium processing and adds other things related to nuclear like bombs, ammo and more.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.0

g Kovarex enrichment

4 years ago

If I'm working this out correctly the kovearex enrichment recipe creates 2k highly enriched hexafluoride from 40 U-235 and 5 U-238 which divided by 50 (the amount needed to create 1 U-235 out of the gas) is 40 meaning you put 40 + 5 in and get 40 out... Unless I'm missing something here it seems utterly pointless as you're losing 5 U-238 and gaining nothing while using a lot of power

3 years ago

I will fix this in the next update.

New response