Modify the data for a easy gaming, Including extremely increasing the efficiency and range for a lot of devices.
Also keep the changing of the item stack sizes provided by Suprnova74, just enabled for .018+
v0.1.3: i18n 增加中文locale(其实只有设置部分的中文需要汉化……讲道理我应该直接写中文locale的,写英文只是写lua注释时候懒得切输入法,然后就脚本搞定一切了……)(而且我也没汉化完……果然汉化比写代码累多了)
v0.1.2: make huge quantities of changes, now most of the mod is configurable (except the additional items at start).You could disable almost all of the things you don't want.
v0.1.0: found and fixed a bug that cause the mod "space exploration" do not work. Thus, add SE and SE-postprocessing to optional denendencies. Try to rename to resolve the conflict, failed.
v0.0.5: change the upper limit to prevent overflow. Add a technology to add the logistic robot's capacity.
v0.0.4: add support for other mods, would make the game (even angelbob/py) more easy.