In short, all common systems in one mod and they are based on events to make everything simpler. One API for all solutions. New events, easy integration and maximum compatibility + safe switchable commands and customizability (Mod devs, please, check GitHub repository first) I have more libraries etc. in https://github.com/ZwerOxotnik/zk-lib Anyone can translate the mod on Crowdin. https://crowdin.com/project/factorio-mods-localization

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

i Idea: Player rights to manage team money

2 years ago

Idea: Add player rights to manage team money.
Something like the following command for team_leaders and admins only:
/can_spend_team_money [player_name] {1/0/TRUE/FALSE/true/false/default/DEFAULT/nil}
/can_spend_team_money [team_name] [player_name] {1/0/TRUE/FALSE/true/false/default/DEFAULT/nil}

if [player_name] is NOT defined — modify rights for all default players (with default rights)

if [player_name] is defined — override this player's rights from/to defaults.
Note: nil == default.

if team_name is defined — same as above, but for admins only.

And, if player has rights (personal or default) — it can withdraw money from its team balance, or transfer it to another team.
Even if the player does not have rights, it can always put its money on the team balance.

That's it.

2 years ago

У меня ощущение, что ты русско-язычный (по нику).
Я бы предпочел писать на этом языке, если это так, и ты не против.
Но, если вдруг нет, то не серчай :)

2 years ago

Вы видимо давно заходили в Discord.
Вполне возможно, позже подобное добавлю вместе с расширением https://mods.factorio.com/mod/BTeams

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