In short, all common systems in one mod and they are based on events to make everything simpler. One API for all solutions. New events, easy integration and maximum compatibility + safe switchable commands and customizability (Mod devs, please, check GitHub repository first) I have more libraries etc. in https://github.com/ZwerOxotnik/zk-lib Anyone can translate the mod on Crowdin. https://crowdin.com/project/factorio-mods-localization

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
This mod 3 From other mods 36
Dependency types:
Default 3 Required 2 Conflict 0 Optional 1 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 20.6K
zk-lib >= 0.10.0 14.5K
BetterCommands >= 1.2.0 2.66K
gvv 3.45K
Last dependency data update: 18 hours ago (for v0.13.1)