Early Nuclear Power

This mod adds a several early game nuclear technologies, buildings, and items.

1 year, 6 months ago

g Getting a conflict with MadClown01's Nuclear Extension.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

With MadClown's mod installed the crude centrifuge won't make anything.

When I centrifuge uranium ore in a Crude Centrifuge, the centrifuge takes in the uranium but never makes anything. When I hover over the recipe it looks like it's getting clobbered by Madclown's recipe.

When I remove MadClown's mod it works perfectly and the recipe displays the correct mod.

For reference, the displayed name of the recipe is "Crude uranium processing."

5 years ago

Have this too, I think. For me, the game won't even load, it will only give me the option of unloading all mods.

New response