Dp77s FactorioPlus: Hyper Logistic deprecated

This mod adds 8 new tiers of logistic, each one with its belt, underground belt, splitter and inserter (with its filter version) And 2 new tiers of robotics: Advanced and Express. This mod, associated with Bob logistics, adds 6 logistics, from mk6 to mk11. (Now FULLY compatible).

6 years ago

g Entity name collision

6 years ago

Hey! I started working on adding support for your mod to my own, and noticed that you're using the entity name "ultimate-transport-belt". Bob's Logistics is currently using that exact same entity name, so it's a little trickier for other mods to support both your mod and Bob's (and you may get bug reports from users who try to use this mod together with Bob's and get the entities overwriting each other, if you're planning on supporting that). It'd be a little easier to support your mod if you switch to a different string - but of course, up to you. :) Thanks!

6 years ago

Oh sorry i didn't know that, because the last time i've played factorio with mods was in march, so i've missed it.
Thanks however for the support: i've already told that i will start a compatibility with other modders as soon as i can, because i'm very busy in these weeks.

6 years ago

Ok you can finish what you've started.

6 years ago

Updated, thanks! One little thing I ran into while working on it, I noticed that the rocket-silo tech unlock in the Advanced-Tech mod references automation-9, so that mod errors when the Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Machines mod isn't loaded - a dependency might need added there.

Thanks again!

6 years ago

I didn't noticed it! Well, thank you again for the support, because i'm starting doing some supports with other modders in order to make my mods compatible with the other ones (like Bob's mods), and i need some feedback for verify that my mods are balanced and there are no bugs. ;D

New response