Disco Science

Science labs light up with the colours of the science packs they are consuming, instead of just blue.

27 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

b Error while starting research "Logisics 2" with SeaBlock

5 years ago

I got the error as well when I tried to research "Lab 2". All other available technologies are fine. I am guessing the mod doesn't like the combination of the "Burns-out QL Bio-processor" (vanilla purple science alternated by ScienceCostTweaker) and the "Single-use ATMOS set" (Bob's Technology mod and alternated by ScienceCostTweaker again)

Error while running event DiscoScience::on_tick (ID 0)
DiscoScience/utils/colorMath.lua:16: attempt to index local 'b' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
DiscoScience/utils/colorMath.lua:16: in function 'lerpColor'
DiscoScience/utils/colorMath.lua:27: in function 'loopInterpolate'
DiscoScience/utils/colorMath.lua:43: in function 'colorForLab'
DiscoScience/core/labColoring.lua:82: in function 'updateRenderer'
DiscoScience/core/labColoring.lua:107: in function 'updateRenderers'
DiscoScience/control.lua:107: in function <DiscoScience/control.lua:106>

And thanks for the great mod by the way! ;-)

4 years ago

Hey, I think this is fixed now.

New response