Disco Science

Science labs light up with the colours of the science packs they are consuming, instead of just blue.

27 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

b [Problem in other mod] Unspecified entity created when using Picker Pipe Tools' "clamped pipes"

5 years ago

First time in a session that Picker Pipe Tools makes a clamped pipe to prevent adjacent pipes connecting/mixing fluids, Disco Science throws its 'unspecified entity' error. I have a pretty chonky list of mods but nothing else triggers this except the clamped pipe entities.

I'm pretty sure this is what makes my labs magenta-only and I hate it. I want DISCO!

5 years ago

Thanks very much for the report. I've found the issue and let the mod author know:


However, this is probably not what is making your labs magenta. That is usually an issue with Disco Science not recognising new research recipe ingredients. Are you using any mods that change research recipes?

5 years ago

Do you mean modifying existing research requirements with things like different numbers of required science packs? Maybe I'm being braindead but I'm not sure I understand specifically what you mean. There are of course likely dozens of mods that add their own research into the tech tree and may in some cases change the order or dependencies of the researches, is that a problem?

For now this error can be solved by manually adding the line "entity = new," to the event table creation at lines 110-116 in scripts/pipe-clamps.lua

5 years ago

I ran into the magenta-only issue. Appears to be an issue with BetterFlasks in my situation.

5 years ago

@ChaosRain, what DiscoScience does is it uses the names of the icons for research ingredients in order to figure out what colour they should be. I have a built-in table of names to colours. If any ingredient has an icon that's not in my table, it gets the default magenta colour. It's not the end of the world, but if you have a lot of unrecognised ingredients then you won't get the varied patterns you see with the base sciences.

5 years ago

@everything-narrative, thanks for the fix. It doesn't look like the author of PPT is interested in fixing the issue, so people will have to do it themselves for now.

New response