Cannot place mining drills on resources -> Remove the "Mining Speed and Power" code from data-updates.lua
Crash on Startup, attempt to compare number with string stack -> Remove both the "Stack Size" and "Ammo Size" code from data-updates.lua
In general, if you are getting a crash from this file, simply remove the line being pointed at. As this file just controls the mod modifier settings, it wont ruin the mod, it will simply render those settings unusable. If you wish to remove them from the settings category, you can additionally delete them from the locale.cfg file in the locale folder.
If you do not know how to open or edit a lua file, simply upload the file to an online compiler such as the one from, edit, save, and replace the old file. If you are unsure what to delete, simply remove everything under the ammo size and stack size sections starting from "if" and ending at the "end"