Devterev's Warfare. New weapons,vechicles and more options for game and infrastructures

Mod adds: 25mm cannon for vehicles. New tank with a lot of weapons. New turrets: vulcan (20mm turret), vulcan mk2. Equipment for tank. New weapons: 20mm submachine gun. Lot options for game. Work with bob's mods and etc. Good game!

1 year, 10 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Why it include "vanilla" science pack recipes?

5 years ago

Why it include "vanilla" science pack recipes?
It comes as a meaningless overwrite and includes "old" science-pack3 recipe.

5 years ago

I do not quite understand what you mean?
If you talk about obsolete recipes, I fixed it.

5 years ago

The problem is with ScienceCostTweaker Mod - it changes vanilla recipies to make them harder... and your recipies overwrite them back. You should probably include config setting to disable science changes from your mode.

And you really did include vanilol recipies in recipe.lua from line 174 till 253. If you wanted to change result count you could've done it in data-updates.lua

PS Реально долго искал что ломает рецепты из SCT, оказалось твой мод ;)

4 years ago

Has this been fixed yet?

New response