
Adds options to change many stack sizes (and fluid capacities). Fork of ReStack to improve compatibility with other mods and add new features

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Incompatibility with Cursed Filter Mining Drill Mod

4 years ago

Link to Factorio bug pic for DeepCopy mod when Cursed Filter Mining Drill Mod is enabled.!AmbU9TAVLRYBgc1T2xvMdE76FWFCOw?e=eEUXIu

4 years ago

I can't open the link, I don't have a microsoft account. You need to enable anonymous users to view the link:

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

nvm, I reproduced it really quickly. Ironically I knew this was one of the last places I could have an error, and didn't prepare for it. edit: huh, this wasn't what I expected

4 years ago

Thanks. It looks like Microsoft changed stuff again. And thanks for the link.

4 years ago

Alright, I know how I can fix it, but I need to ask on the factorio forums if a semicolon is valid in a name. It's not normal, but I don't know if it's wrong. Give me a few minutes to test a fix.

4 years ago

Alright, updated. It doesn't have an error but you'll have to tell me if it actually works.

4 years ago

Ok. I played with it for a few minutes. It seems to work ok. Stack sizes as expected and the other mod works as well.
Thank you for your time.

4 years ago

np, so far you're the only one to report bugs. It means a lot

New response