
Adds options to change many stack sizes (and fluid capacities). Fork of ReStack to improve compatibility with other mods and add new features

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g This is not useful for circuit board and copper wire

4 years ago

Anyone else has the situation?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

What are you asking? Do you have a specific reason how it's not useful? They're under the intermediate-products multiplier if you were looking for how to change them (edit: all the way near the bottom)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hmmm rocket launch ingredients might be under intermediate-products too, but also under rocket launch ingredients. Be careful chests don't explode if you set a stack size later (you can set rocket launch ingredients to -1 to protect them)

Another edit: the intermediate product change is "soft" meaning if something else came first, then the intermediate-product multiplier won't affect it.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

All of the circuit boards return what I expect with a mulitplier of 5 for the intermediate products multiplier.

The wire stack size setting seems to have no effect at all. I believe the base game sets the stack size to 200. And I get 1000 with an intermediate products multiplier of 5. The wire stack size setting, when set to 10, and with a multiplier value of 1, I see 200 in the resulting stack size.

And finally the battery stack size is changed by the raw material multiplier instead of the intermediate products multiplier.
FYI: I found that the raw material multiplier does change the stack size of quartz for the simple silicon mod as expected.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Ooooh I didn't think about the conflict with the other wire-stack-setting. The intermediate-product multiplier is soft and last, so wire-stack should come before it and override the latter. If the intermediate-product multiplier is set negative it becomes a "preferred" option which may be more intentional, but could cause weird stuff to get multiplied.

raw-material is a little dangerous, a lot of items that don't seem like it are under it.

I might need to look into the wire-stack setting, because it should follow normal priority rules (positive over soft, negative over positive and soft). The wire setting is also NOT a multiplier, so that definitely should not be multiplying, and 10 is way too low.

4 years ago

There's a bug for wires, and possibly other things. Fixing real quick.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Uploaded a fix for the wire setting. Chips and wires and other things can still be picked up by intermediate-products alone

4 years ago

Thanks. The wire setting now overrides the multiplier as expected. Now the only issue I have left is the battery stack size appears to be changed by the raw material multiplier instead of the intermediate products multiplier. (I need to set the raw material multiplier to 10 to get Quartz from the Simple Silicon mod to where I want it. The default stack size for Quartz in Simple Silicon is 50.) If needed, I can override the stack size for the batteries in one of my other mods.

4 years ago

I'd have to make a strange exception for batteries. It really should be an intermediate product but it's not. I could make a group for batteries, robot frames... not sure what else could go in it.

4 years ago

Screw it. Battery stack size it is. Uploaded.

4 years ago

Thank you.

4 years ago

Update: red and green wires have "circuit-network" as their subgroup now... intermediate products does nothing for them. I don't know if this was a change from 17->18 or not, but now only the wire stack size works.

New response