Deep Mine

by Optera

Adds underground mines, randomly extracting all ores that can be mined without fluid input.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

i [Implemented] Uranium?

4 years ago

can you add the support for uranium?
if you can also add a standard mechanic that make every ore minable it will be also cool.


4 years ago

I've decided against adding support for ores requiring fluids to mine.
1) Uranium is plentiful on any map generation
2) fluid consumption could only be balanced for advanced recipes
3) adding a fluid input to the mine in a way that looks good will be tough

4 years ago

Despite my reply yesterday I decided to look over the request again.

Fluid connections didn't look as terrible as I remembered on those sprites.
Adding Uranium only as primary result of an advanced recipe requiring sulfuric acid hopefully doesn't break game balance too much.

4 years ago

thanks, can you add a mod taht can extract oil too? maybe with a slow rate

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Now I start to think you want Deep Mine become a replacement for Fuzzcats Quarry.

I'm not sure deep mines should produce fluids.

4 years ago

maybe it's trange but I've never heared Fuzzcats Quarry XD

And i love some of yours mod like LTN

so I'm going to use this mod in any case XD

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