Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Version: 0.0.7 Date: 2020-10-03 Update: - Now fluidbox are false by default, a lot of problems with others mods - Added a Exclude certain drills option
Version: 0.0.6 Date: 2020-09-30 Fix: - Compatibility (Report on Discord) - Sometimes the drills selection don't works v3.0
Version: 0.0.5 Date: 2020-09-30 Update: - Added an option to give fluid connections on all sides - Now need 5 times less lubricant Fix: - resources localised names
Version: 0.0.4 Date: 2020-09-29 Update: - Compatibility with Cursed FMD GUI - Now only change selected ores Fix: - Drill update - Drill area - Ores change variation on update
Version: 0.0.3 Date: 2020-09-27 Fix: - Again
Version: 0.0.2 Date: 2020-09-27 Fix: - Sometimes the drills selection don't works
Version: 0.0.1 Date: 2020-09-25 New: - Initial release