
by iMicky

Control Technology - Allows you to monitor and control your factory. Monitor your factory using Smart Displays. There are seven types: SD1020 - 2 digit display with Icon. SD1030 - 3 digit display. SD1040 - 4 digit display with Icon. SD1050 - 5 digit display. SD1060 - 6 digit display with Icon. SD1070 - 7 digit display. SD1080 - 8 digit display with Icon.

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1
Circuit network

i Feature wishlist

4 years ago

Really nice looking mod so far. I've got a few ideas I'd like to see added in the future.

  1. Wider display for more digits. As soon as it goes past 999 the display stops working. Could also have an option to shorten the numbers. E.G. 1k, 10k, 1m and so on.
  2. Support for the tracked items icon in the display. E.G. "[Iron plate] 10k".
  3. An option to display how many of an item is being produced per minute with an option to set thresholds so that you could make it display in red/yellow/green depending on if you are hitting your threshold. E.G. Setting Iron plates threshold to atleast 1k produced a minute, it would show the number in red if below, or green if above.
4 years ago

Thanks John for the ideas,
- I am currently working on options to display 1K etc. or possible a percentage figure. I will get this up and running on the three digit display first.
- I will then work at a 5 digit display and possibly even a 7 digit display.
- I like the idea of displaying the tracked item. Not sure how to do that yet.
- I also like the idea of a rate per minute reading.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I just found out recently that you can use rich text in text fields by typing things such as [item=iron-plate] to insert an image of an item. Might be able to use this?

Possibly either extend the display frame to allow room for an icon, or add a separate 1 tile display which just has an icon, and if possible auto combines the tile with the display (like pipes).

4 years ago

I have uploaded a 5 and 7 digit display with 1k and percent options.

The [item=iron-plate] thing works very well. Thanks for the tip. I should be able to integrate it into the display. It will probably need a 1 tile extension. I was also thinking of a suffix [/min] or [k] or [%] etc.

4 years ago

Just tried out the new stuff, and it's a great addition! I really like the percentage mode implementation, it just needs that % symbol. I also like how it can go above 100%, which might have a good use, say for train stations and keeping count of stock. Right now I've set up a display to show my current stations capacity using a 3 digit percentage display and a 5 digit unit display to show me the total amount of stock.

Some more ideas:
A display that can visually show the percentage as a meter/bar, with colorization going from red to green.
A button to enable the display to show on map view with the item icon + number (not sure if possible)
Add support for copying and pasting display settings to another display like with other machines.
Adding an option to manually enter a string format for the display.

4 years ago

Hi, implementing signals and fluids to choose signals like in a combinator. That would help me in my factory so much, right now I need to convert every fluid signal to an item signal to be able to use the Display.

4 years ago

Rykon, Hopefully the latest rev fixes this problem.

New response