Construction Drones deprecated

by Klonan

Adds ground based personal construction robots.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.0
Logistic network

g mod is incompatible with 1.1

4 years ago

the mod doesn't work with 1.1 :(

4 years ago

in file info.json replace "factorio_version" on "1.1"

@MakaronP, lifesaver!

4 years ago

I have done this, but i think there is something that is actually incompatible with this mod and 1.1. Save files on my machine have increased dramatically.

4 years ago

Would love for this to be updated soon.

4 years ago

Ditto. Any chance for a 1.1 fix? Keep up the good work. Thanks Klonan :)

4 years ago

In the meanwhile TinyStart (or Autobuild combined with Far Reach) is a good replacement as a "workaround". :D

4 years ago

I made a better mod to replace it:

4 years ago

I tried Companion Drones.
Well, it is a good quality mod (a "mod made by Klonan" ;), but I would say it is not better
but different than Construction Drones. I think Construction Drones filles a niche on its own with the ground-based,
cute sounding little robots and it is worth updating! :D

4 years ago

I don't get it Klonan :D There are no construction drones in Companion_Drones ??? :D

+1 vote for the insanely derpy and cute construction drones. If I want efficient building help early game, there is a lot of different mods for that (editor extension, instant blueprint,...). Me want cute and derpy!

4 years ago

I discovered this mod just a few days ago and can I just say I immediately fell in love with the little boxes on wheels whizzing about to do the building for you? How cool is that! We've enough mods for flying bots already. Those boxes are incredible!

4 years ago

I miss those little squealies.

4 years ago

For those interested, I repackaged roy192's fork of this mod here.

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