Construction Drones deprecated

by Klonan

Adds ground based personal construction robots.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.0
Logistic network

b Compatibility with Powered Floors

4 years ago


That mod requires the robot.surface property in the on_robot_built_tile event to attach it's custom power widget to the tile. As you set robot to nil in construction_drone.lua line 2090, any powered tiles placed via construction drones aren't built correctly and fail to work.


4 years ago

The mod can use the surface_index given to the event

Adding the robot which is not a construction robot, I think would cause more problems, as people would expect a construction robot and instead it would not be a construction robot.

4 years ago

Gotcha, thanks. I'll have a poke around with that. So far I know enough modding to see where things are going wrong (sometimes), but not so much to fix them. Absolutely loving your drone mods and how they add to the game.

I've got a base in the works that uses trains to transport raw ores (mined by drones) back to my main base at a central dropoff. Inside the base, areas are built up in a (not quite) city-blocks setup, but using roads instead of rails. Transport drones do all the heavy lifting between the train depot and blocks, and also for intra-block transport. Belts handle things inside the blocks, with the exception of the mall where that's taken care of with bots.

All in all it's a really nice synergy and fits in the base game perfectly without making any of the other transport methods obsolete.

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