Construction Drones deprecated

by Klonan

Adds ground based personal construction robots.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.0
Logistic network

i Companion Drones

4 years ago

The main reason I installed this mod is because I came across the KatherineOfSky Video a couple of days ago. The idea of a bunch of cute Compilatrons whizzing around me seemed compelling. When I installed the mod however, it seemed that the drones where just popping in and out of my inventory placing stuff. This is still handy, but the main reason I installed this mod was so I could watch Compilatrons.
I don't expect THIS mod to change, but I do want to propose an alternative: A single Compilatron-companion, probably in a seperate mod, that you'd start with at the beginning of a game. Maybe the compilatron would be able to construct stuff, maybe not, I don't care; I just want to look at his cute face!

(Look at that cute thing, LOOK AT HIS 'LIL FACE... so cute...)

4 years ago

use the mod "I, Robot" and then look into a mirror :-)
if you then use Klonan's mod "mining drones", you'll have even more compilatrons working for you :-)

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