So I looked into it and when the deconstruction is called without a player (/c game.print(game.players[1].selected.order_deconstruction(game.players[1].force))) (should trigger on_marked_for_deconstruction) then the construction drones will not react. When the player is added to the call the drones will react.
The construction doesn't work if there is a blueprint built via script (e.g. /c game.print(game.players[1].cursor_stack.build_blueprint{surface=game.players[1].surface, force=game.players[1].force, position={x=0,y=0}, by_player=game.players[1]}) or there is a ghost placed via a script (/c game.players[1].surface.create_entity{name="entity-ghost", position={x=0,y=0}, force=game.players[1].force, inner_name="transport-belt"})) (should both trigger on on_built_entity right?).
As far as I see these script calls should trigger the drones to (de-)construct, am I correct in the assumption that I would have to report this to the forum as these calls not triggering event seems to be a base game matter.