Construction Drones deprecated

by Klonan

Adds ground based personal construction robots.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.0
Logistic network

i Feedback and a couple suggestions

5 years ago

I really like that the mod emulates the behavior of the normal bot network. Travel time, roboport-like buildings, and basic logistic chests. I like that does this while actually feeling like it belongs early game. Where other mods might give early access to normal bots or otherwise provide an "early game" alternative that is actually better than bots in many ways, this really feels like a lower-tech bot network.

I'm ambivalent about starting with some drones and a bunch of extra miners and smelters. Personally I find the burner stage of the game tedious beyond belief so I'm okay with a jumpstart, but it seems like it should be a toggleable option.

One thing that drives me nuts is that they keep stealing my wood and/or coal to stick in random furnaces. I really want to turn this off - if I want fuel in a thing I'll put it there myself (or run a belt). I need that wood for power poles, thank you very much.

The other major problem I have is the pathfinding. They get stuck on things as simple as 2 assemblers side-by-side, and I feel like I'm spending more time fixing the drones than doing useful things. I'm aware pathfinding is not a simple thing to solve, and not likely to be improved much, if at all. Instead would it be possible to add a timeout, like if the drone doesn't place its item within X time (10-15 sec?) it will give up, return its cargo, and maybe the next drone will have better luck?

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