Construction Drones deprecated

by Klonan

Adds ground based personal construction robots.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.0
Logistic network

g Drones not moving material

5 years ago

I have built a basic network with a simple storage asking for an item and a simple provider with that item. There are logistics beacons covering both chests.
The drones aren't moving the material between the chests. Please help.

5 years ago

The logistics beacons only cover chests that are within the red squares of the beacon. Is that where you have the chests?

5 years ago

the drones only build stuff. for moving between chests you need logistic bots

5 years ago

That makes sense. If they only build, then everything is working as designed. I thought that because chests were included in mod that the drones would move things around.

The help is much appreciated. Thanks.

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