Construction Drones deprecated

by Klonan

Adds ground based personal construction robots.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.0
Logistic network

i Drones are too hard to pick up

5 years ago

I played with this mod for about 3 hours last night. Whenever a drone would have pathing issues or get stuck on my belts, I would try to pick them up. It takes so long to mine them that occasionally they would run out from beneath my cursor and I'd try to mine a belt, which would reset the progress for picking up the drone.

I can also see this being an issue late game when you get real construction robots if you want to convert away from construction drones. I propose adding another building to the game or changing the existing beacon to behave more like roboports. Having a place for the drones to go which would also allow me to pick them up out of an inventory would be really nice.

5 years ago

I like that idea! Like a home base. Or maybe something you can set on a beacon to call them all home or on your character to call them all back to you.

I have 30 or so of the little guys running around everywhere and it would be nice to get all of them back. A few seem to have lost their minds are are just driving back and forth.

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