Construction Planner Continued

by azaghal

Ghosts require player's approval before construction bots are dispatched. This gives the player improved control over what parts of the factory get built, and when.

12 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistic network Blueprints

i Add a press bottom to directly approve ghost

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

I know you could customize a Toggle Bottom. However, because I change between building approved and unapproved a lot, it's disturbing to keep switching it. And I eventually will always get confused to which mode is it right now.

Hope you could add new a hotkey or option to let me just pressing like vanilla game does(hold shift to place ghost). Please!!!!
That would be a great thankful!!

4 months ago

Please? Any progress?

4 months ago

Hello Enjoyneer,

None at all - you need to have some patience, this is not a full-time job, you know. :)

If I understood exactly your idea, you are suggesting to have a kind of modifier key that when pressed would act as temporary toggle for making any pasted ghosts unapproved?

I would actually need to think a little bit about this one and see if it is even possible without interacting in some weird ways with the other shortcuts (there's only so many modifiers available in the game).

As for being confused which mode is currently on... If the button is pressed (yellow-ish), the ghosts are auto-approved upon placement, if depressed (greyed-out), the ghosts will require manual approval when placed.

Best regards,

4 months ago

Unfortunately, this is not possible with the current API. There is simply no way to detect if the user is holding down some key, as per this particular thread on the forums:

While the post is for a bit older version of Factorio, I cannot see any kind of relevant changes to the API for version 2.0 either. Basically, for custom input controls, all we can detect is key presses/activations - without releases.

Perhaps one way to tackle it would be one of the two following options:

  • Piggy-back off of super-forced pasting. Essentially any time you super-force that means you want the ghosts to be auto-approved (or unapproved). Caveat is that this would alter the way super-forced pasting is used - you would bind the super-forced pasting to one of the two approval statuses. Some other issues could pop up around this one as well perhaps.
  • Have the input binding act as more of a temporary toggle. So, if you toggle the auto-approval on, it is only going to be active for a couple of seconds - and then it gets turned off. This would be closest to the holding-the-key thing, but... If you dilly-dally when you press the button, you could get a bit surprised when wrong thing happens if still holding the key.

New response