Construction Planner Continued

by azaghal

Ghosts require player's approval before construction bots are dispatched. This gives the player improved control over what parts of the factory get built, and when.

18 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistic network Blueprints

b [CONFIRMED] Crash when force-pasting blueprints (with/without tiles) on top of unapproved ghost entities

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

When I try to replace my previous ghost planning, instead of deleting them.
I choose to force paste (ctrl+shift+left click) my blueprint on it.
Then crash just happens.

Error while running event ConstructionPlannerContinued::on_pre_ghost_deconstructed (ID 103)
ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:880: attempt to index field 'target' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:880: in function 'cleanup_undo_stack_item'
ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:837: in function 'deconstruct_unapproved_ghosts'
ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:1143: in function <ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:1045>

4 months ago

Hello MapleAcacia,

I have updated the title a bit since I think I have managed to figure out what the most likely cause is (although, there are some other cases as well where the crash can happen just looking at the code and the API).

The fix has landed in just now, so please give it a go and let me know if the crash no longer happens for you.

Thank you for reporting the issue. :)

Best regards,

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

This error still exists when using force to build (ctrl+shift+left click).

Error while running event ConstructionPlannerContinued::on_pre_ghost_deconstructed (ID 103)
ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:880: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:880: in function 'cleanup_undo_stack_item'
ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:837: in function 'deconstruct_unapproved_ghosts'
ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:1143: in function <ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:1045>

And ,there seems to come for another new bug

Error while running event ConstructionPlannerContinued::on_built_entity (ID 6)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:387: in function 'create_placeholder_for'
ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:759: in function 'unapprove_entities'
ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:970: in function <ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:957>

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Unapproved ghost (White Check)
Approved ghost (Green Check)

Force to place
1.Approved ghost on Unapproved ghost-> crash
2.Approved ghost on Approved ghost ->work
3.Unapproved ghost on Approved ghost ->work
4.Unapproved ghost on Unapproved ghost -> crash

Only try a few times. But when unapproved ghost is force replaced by the other then crash happens

4 months ago

Can you clarify for me what the Control + Shift + V refers to? Since I cannot see that key binding in the default controls. When you are talking about force to build - is this the "Super-forced build" control?

I am having some issues trying to reproduce the crash on my side. If possible, could you do some extra steps for me?

  • Are you able to reproduce the problem in a new game without any other mods enabled?
  • If you can, would you be able to provide me with the blueprint and the savegame where the issue is reproducible?

Best regards,

4 months ago

I got this crash as well, i think it is when you try to super force build over unapproved ghosts in some cases? I got it when trying to put a splitter over multiple belts, one that is placed normally and another that is ghosted

4 months ago

The mod Construction Planner Continued (4.0.3) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event ConstructionPlannerContinued::on_built_entity (ID 6)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:387: in function 'create_placeholder_for'
ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:759: in function 'unapprove_entities'
ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:970: in function <ConstructionPlannerContinued/control.lua:957>

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Sorry , it is exactly "Super-forced build" control. I subconsciously remember it incorrectly . It should be ctrl+shift+left click (I get them edited)

1.Yes, the problem still there in a new game without any other mods enabled
2.I use completely new save game randomly to test.

Then here is my blue print string:

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

I usually use super force build to have my ghost factory get upgraded.
So what I do is to paste down the whole blueprint on the previous building.

As Kilillka says that super force building a single building might be working, but I think when it comes to multiple ones then it crash.

4 months ago

Try it in simplest way is to across them orthogonally like this


4 months ago

Ah, thank you so much - I can reproduce the crash now with the blueprint.

What is interesting, I was able to reproduce the crash even with way smaller samples now, but it is not super-consistent. Kilillka's comment was super useful - since I've tried using two belts side by side, and force-pasting on top of them with various other entities. When using the assembler - no issues whatsoever. But with splitter crashes every single time. And looks like it will crash with force-pasting splitter on top of a single belt as well.

I'll try to dig a bit deeper into this and worst case do a plain defensive solution (checking entity validity every single time).

Best regrads,

4 months ago

Hm... I think this is something specifically related to belts. Placing a singular unapproved ghost belt, then trying to force-place another ghost on top of it - but in different orientation (rotated) causes the crash every single time.

4 months ago

I take that back - it is not as consistent as I was expecting, but generally it's nice to be able to reproduce with something smaller as well. :)

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Thanks! Hope you could find where the exact problem is.
Because what I find is when force replacing blueprint in different orientation or upgrade the previous one then it crash.

Really need this mod badly to expand my factory.

4 months ago

There is something really bizarre happening here, and I am not quite sure to understand what - since I can produce crash when just holding a ghost entity, but not when I hold a mini-blueprint with just that single entity (so just entity in hand vs copy/force paste).

I might actually need to get some kind of more minimal sample crashing to see if there is something strange going on within the engine itself.

Unfortunately, just checking for entity validity in that deepest function does not seem to be sufficient - it prevents the crash, but the current mod code also does not manage to then place the placeholder and the placeholder badge.

Best regards,

4 months ago

I have posted a kind of bug/question on the forums to figure out why the belts are behaving slightly different compared to some other entities (and even my own head hurts from reading that description):

So, I will probably hold off for a little to get some kind of feedback before trying to properly fix this crash, just in case. Best I can tell you for now is not to super-force the pastes (don't listen to Yoda).

Best regards,

4 months ago

Out of reasons, I can't login my previous account.
I represent MapleAcacia to thank you

So diligent you are, Factorio Community is blessed having creator like you.

4 months ago

Hey, thank you for the kind words, and glad you are enjoying the game and the mods. And indeed - Factorio community (and devs I may add) are really something special. :)

Best regards,

4 months ago

I may have found a fix for the super-forced build crash - one of the event properties got changed between 1.1 and 2.0, but unfortunately the code never crashed on that line, thus introducing a bit of a logic error into the mod. If this was the only culprit, then the fix will be trivial.

I may have to go through all event references to make sure that correct properties (for 2.0 version of the game) are being used.

Best regards,

4 months ago

Well... The fix was nowhere near trivial, but I am on a good path now. I need to do some more testing, and also double-check for some additional bugs that may happen with blueprint books. There is a bit of a chance that the fix will be causing some performance issues, but if I can prevent crashing, that's a good start at least.

Best regards,

4 months ago

Ok... I finally managed to land most of the fixes that I think were necessary to avoid the crashes. There was a lot of logic I needed to revamp, and due to some missing pieces and inconsistencies in the modding API some corner-cases are still present. I have a couple of discussions on the forums where I am hoping some of this stuff might get addressed, but... Not sure how high of a priority it will be. Main problem is that access to blueprints in blueprint books is kinda janky (or impossible).

You can expect some performance issues for sure, and depending on how beefy your machine is or if you are playing multiplayer, it can show quite a bit. But give it a go and check if the crashing is at least gone. If it happens to be a crash in a new spot, please open up a new ticket, just to keep things clean. :)

Best regards,

New response