Construction Planner

Ghosts must now be 'approved' by the player before construction bots will be dispatched. This gives the player improved control over what parts of the factory get built, and when.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Crash when super force building on the unapproved ghost entity

4 months ago

When I try to replace my previous ghost planning, I choose to force paste (ctrl+shift+left click) my blueprint on it.
Then crash just happens.

Here are the conclusion I get from a few tests.
I find super force build
1.Approved ghost on Unapproved ghost-> crash
2.Approved ghost on Approved ghost ->work
3.Unapproved ghost on Approved ghost ->work
4.Unapproved ghost on Unapproved ghost -> crash

It's when unapproved ghost is force replaced by the other then crash happens
Every test is in a new game without any other mods enabled

Here is an example to across my blueprint orthogonally like this

New response