Construction Planner

Ghosts must now be 'approved' by the player before construction bots will be dispatched. This gives the player improved control over what parts of the factory get built, and when.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [1.0.3] Your playtester has found some more bugs

3 years ago

Hi it's me again, found another bug in your awesome mod, here is a way to replicate it:

  1. place a ghost
  2. delete it using deconstruction planner
  3. press ctrl+z
  4. ghost is back but it's invisible you can only see it if you hover above it with deconstruction planner

This is the only scenario that causes a problem, i tested it in other variants and everything was alright.
One more thing, when you blueprint or select unapproved ghosts, they will be shown as checkmarks instead of the actual buildings.

3 years ago

Hi, thanks again for the report! It's probably the placeholder ghosts that are getting restored when you do Ctrl Z. Without getting too technical, any time you have an unapproved ghost, there's an invisible placeholder that exists in the same location, which is what gets selected by blueprints and the deconstruction planner.

I think should be able to find a way to have the undo feature ignore placeholders, but I'll have to give it some thought.

3 years ago

One more thing, when you blueprint or select unapproved ghosts, they will be shown as checkmarks instead of the actual buildings.

You're talking about the list of what's being selected that appears next to the cursor while dragging, right? This is a known limitation...the placeholders are what's being selected, so their icon is shown in the list instead of the unapproved entities.

In theory, I could potentially add placeholder subtypes for each and every entity in the game, which would use the same exact icon as the corresponding real entity... but that would be a super complex solution for what to me doesn't seem to be a whole lot of benefit. And it still wouldn't be perfect...for example if you were selecting a mix of approved and unapproved transport belts, you'd see two separate counts of "belts" in the selection list instead of one. So instead, I just show the grey checkmark so at least it's easy to tell these are placeholders for an unapproved entity.

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