Construction Planner

Ghosts must now be 'approved' by the player before construction bots will be dispatched. This gives the player improved control over what parts of the factory get built, and when.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

i [1.0.0] automatically placed ghosts (Resolved)

3 years ago

Its one of those mods that we didn't know we needed. but now can't do without.
Keep up the good work.

one question: what happens if a wall (for example) get destroyed ? do we have to approve the ghosts every time ?
if yes, can you make it so only the ghost that player place by hand need approval ?

3 years ago

Thanks for the kind words!

Hmm, tbh I hadn't considered destroyed entities. I'll test it. I agree they shouldn't require manual approval.

3 years ago

Thank you.
It would be great.

3 years ago

Good news - it mostly just works! Ghosts created when an entity is destroyed will get rebuilt as usual - they don't have to be approved.

However, I did noticed that if you use the Construction Planner tool to 'unapprove' an area, and that area happens to have a destroyed entity ghost in it, then the ghost gets marked as unapproved and then doesn't get built. I don't think that's something that will happen often in normal gameplay, but something to keep in mind, I guess. I think I might be able tweak the mod logic a bit so that won't happen...I'll look into it.

3 years ago

The logic tweak turned out to be pretty easy...mod version 1.0.1 is now released and fixes the issue :)

3 years ago

Wow that was quick.

New response