Configurable Custom Electric Mining Drill

Adds a custom Electric Mining Drill for which mining speed & area size + module slots can be configured. Energy use, pollution rate - and optionally recipe cost - scale with mining speed to preserve game balance. Support for custom ore categories.

12 days ago
Mining Cheats

i βœ” [Feature Request] module slots

11 months ago

Any possibility to customize the number of module slots?

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

Hi again :-)

Well, it should be easy to add, but I don't really think I want it in this particular mod. From the start I didn't want to add anything that could seriously alter game balance in regards to output pr. input, and I don't have any features that require extra slots either. I also don't want to create too many options filling up game settings for a mod with such a small scope (I already feel there are too many, personally...).

... I don't know, I'll have to think about it.

Alternatively, you could make a personal branch of it, if you want. It would probably look like this in for example prototypes/entity.lua:

CustomElectricMiningDrill.module_specification.module_slots = settings.startup["custom-drill-module-slots"].value

with the following in settings.lua:

type = "int-setting",
name = "custom-drill-module-slots",
setting_type = "startup",
default_value = 3,
minimum_value = 0,
maximum_value = 10, -- can go much higher
order = "i"

with appropriate descriptions for custom-drill-module-slots in locale/en/locale.txt.

11 months ago

You know what, never mind. I looked into the modules, and there isn't actually anything about them that breaks game balance in a way that I really care about, since max. power reduction is capped at 80%, and the rest trades something for something, at an extra cost. Maybe modules from some mods do, but that's not my concern.

So I might add the feature afterall. Will get back to you on that.

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

Hi again. I have decided to make the amount of module slots configurable as well! I will be releasing a new version soon.

I did have some concerns about balance, but I think it is fine. The speed module increases speed, just like my mod does, but at a cost of much higher energy cost and pollution rate, while enough efficiency modules can reduce power use and pollution rate to 20%, an 'imbalance' already allowed by the base game. The real use of modules (at least for this mod) seems to be increased productivity, and I have no issue with extending the life of a limited resource patch. (For example, 20 slots filled with the right vanilla modules can roughly increase productivity by 50-60% at the same cost; not game breaking. Modules from mods may be a different story, but I won't concern myself with that). Of course, since fewer, faster drills need fewer modules, the return on investment is proportionately higher, but I don't care much about that either. So adding some flexibility in how the player improves on the drill seems all right, I guess.

For now, I have decided to allow up to 20 slots, since more will lead to UI changes that I don't like. (By the way, only 8 can be displayed on top of the machine.)

11 months ago

New version has been released! Do let me know what you think. :-)

New response