Conducting Belt

This belt is conducter for electricity

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g bob's logistic mod & Deadlock stacking & Loader Redux

6 years ago

Support for belts and splitters from Bob's logistic mod (
Support for stacking beltbox from Deadlock stacking (
Support for Loader from Loader redux (
PS the latter 2 have support for bob's logistic mod

i think it would be great to have this since power could flow from belt=> loader=>beltbox=>loader=>belt so using beltbox to compress or decompress a belt wouldn't cut the power off

PS 2: beltbox's require power, would be nice to have the conducting effect power the beltbox don't know if this would be possible

thx for the hard work

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Please use nice bob's electric power pole on long distance, with thousands of belts come thousands of hidden-electric-poles from this mod and bad FPS/UPS can be reached much earlier. Only black (grey) belt will be added.

But stucking beltbox and loaders for it can be added.

6 years ago

when i use Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes, i also use Deadlock's Compact Loaders instead of Loader Redux. I hope that both can be powered respectively transmit power along the belt without the need to build two power poles to bridge a gap at them ...

and yes, lots of power poles cause problems: not only the number and their influence on fps/ups, but maybe even worse the builtin limits in factorio about the number of connections that a powerpole may have:
(from the very bottom of ... automatically connect ... according to the following rules: -1- connect to available poles starting with the closest one, -2- it won't form a 3 pole triangle, and (most importantly) -3- It will not be connected to more than 5 other poles
powering several belts in a multi-belt mainbus might easily cause all available 5 connections to be exhausted for connections to other belts and thus power poles next to those belts might be unable to connect to them ...
i have seen this problem on some other mods, eg when offering powered rails which cause a web of power connections between them and no external connections to power poles :-(

too bad that i couldn't test any of these two points now - see my other post about a bug report when starting factorio :-(

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