
by Mylon

Roboports automatically place concrete within their reach.

4 years ago
0.14 - 1.1
Logistic network

g Starting the mod

5 years ago

I just installed the mod on an existing save. Is there anything I need to do to get the bots to start working? They don't seem to be placing concrete anywhere. Much of by base is covered in refined concrete, but not all of it is.

5 years ago

It can take a while. The way the mod works is it checks every roboport individually at a small radius, then starts over again at a slightly larger radius, and so on. It only checks a few roboports at a time. Only when a roboport has checked its full radius and contains only refined concrete does it finally turn off and make iterating over the remaining roboports faster. This is done to save UPS, but it can take a while to start working on an older save.

5 years ago

Thanks! As I've kept playing that's what's happened. I've noticed that the bots are sometimes placing regular concrete even though I'd never placed any in my base before. Why would they be doing that?

5 years ago

They should only be placing regular concrete if you have no refined concrete available. If there's plenty in your logistic network, then that is a bug.

5 years ago

I had run out of it because of how big my base is. Is there a way to set them to only use it so I don't need to deconstruct it after they place it? I've also just noticed now that networks that don't have any concrete at all are trying to place stone brick under them. That's at outposts where I've never had any brick or concrete at all...

5 years ago

Yes, the brick feature is new. Though it shouldn't be placing stone brick ghosts if you don't have it! Oops.

You shouldn't have to deconstruct regular concrete. When the radius is fully paved, it will start looking for brick/concrete to upgrade and it will upgrade for you.

5 years ago

Alright. Thanks! I'm really loving the mod so far. I assume you'll fix the stone brick bug soon enough, considering that you seem to have updates all the time

5 years ago

I already published a fix for stone brick. It won't remove existing ghosts, but give it a look.

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