Companion Drones

by Klonan

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1 year, 6 months ago

b Get stuck under the drone

3 years ago

Somehow, somewhy, the drone ended up hovering directly over my character, and that completely prevented me from moving. I have no idea how it happened, since I was in helmod at the time

3 years ago

But you don't collide with the companion drone, what do you mean you are stuck?

3 years ago

I have NO idea how that could've happened. When I tried to walk, it held me in place, and when I picked it up, it started working again.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

same issue with the car, if its hoovering in front of the car it blocks it
here is a picture

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

same issue with the car, if its hoovering in front of the car it blocks it
here is a picture

I can confirm this as well, but only with Space Exploration installed.

It is possible to drive / walk against a Companion Drone if the mod Space Exploration is installed.

I am not able to hit the drone with a car / tank / vehicle or the player if any other mod is installed.

How to reproduce:
- install Companion Drones
- install Space Exploration + dependencies
- start new game
- obtain, place and fuel up a car
- to make it easier to hit the drone, remove all fuel from inventory
- place Companion Drone
- get into car
- drive against Companion Drone
This is reproducible with tanks as well. It is also possible to "hit" the drone with the character. But the hit box seems to be small enough to just slide by, which is barely noticeable.

3 years ago

SE messes with collision stuff, so its' probably that.

3 years ago

I have the same issue without SE installed, only Squeak Through.

3 years ago

I think I managed to produce a semi-recreatable way to get the character to collide with the companion.

Place a vertical row of assemblers, then run right up next to it up and down, until the companion's follow motion places it roughly in the same line as you.
It should be possible to get stuck on it.
I can upload a video of it happening.

It's collision mask is still empty.
The leg DOES have collision layers though... Perhaps that's what we're colliding with? If it ended up standing directly on top of me, that would explain the first report.
I have SE, but not CMO.

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