When requested by other mods, the Bridge provides ingredients that will get replaced or adjusted if compatible big mods are presented. It's NOT a compatibility of overhaul mods with each other! Instead, it's a utility for developers to integrate their smaller mods with any big modpack. See Home Page for more details. Integrated: Space Age, AAI, SE, K2, IR3, 248k, Py, ExInd, Yuoki, 5Dim, Angel, Bob, BZ, etc.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 2024-11-11 Changes: - Reworked a lot of things under the hood.
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 2024-11-11 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when Extended Vanilla Equipment is on and Space Age is off.
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 2024-11-09 Changes: - Factorio 2.0 + Space Age support!
Version: 0.9.9 Date: 2024-09-29 Balancing: - Allowed productivity modules for several more recipes. Bugfixes: - Fixed Krastorio2 crash.
Version: 0.9.8 Date: 2024-09-20 Balancing: - Custom research prices for SE and K2. - Editable item prototypes.
Version: 0.9.7 Date: 2024-09-07 Balancing: - Cheaper researches. - Some items adjusted.
Version: 0.9.6 Date: 2024-08-27 Balancing: - Enabled productivity modules for some recipes. Technically it's harder to implement than you might think, hence made so late.
Version: 0.9.5 Date: 2024-08-26 Balancing: - Some recipes got cheaper. Changes: - Refactored the code.
Version: 0.9.4 Date: 2024-08-23 Graphics: - New pretty icons for existing details: 1. carbon fiber, 2. hard alloy powder, 3. stong alloy ingot, 4. electro-magnetic field controller, 5. high-energy emitter, 6. extra-high-energy emitter, 7. spacetime-operator. Features: - New items: brain-computer interface (BCI), rocket engine. To be used by WH40k Titans mod. Changes: - Some recipes changed. - No dedicated group tab for Common Industries items, now they are in the Intermediates group, for minimalistic design. - Refactored the code.
Version: 0.9.3 Date: 2023-09-29 Bugfixes: - Fixed wrong error crash becuase of missing technology. Features: - Added export.lua for simpler importing. - It's possible to declare adjustable items from other mods! Changes: - Moved plasma fuel to WH40k-Titans mod.
Version: 0.9.2 Date: 2023-09-17 Features: - Can be used at runtime, from control scripts. As usual, made for my WH40k-Titans mod :)
Version: 0.9.1 Date: 2023-09-15 Features: - Added new items: ceramic, meat, brain, optical emitter. - Added support for 248k, 5Dim, ModMash, Omni. - Many other changes.
Version: 0.9.0 Date: 2023-09-13 Info: - Initial release by AivanF! - Supported: AAI Industry, Space Exploration, Krastorio 2, Very BZ, Angel+Bob, Pyanodon, Industrial Revolution 3, Exotic Industries. - ToDo: 248k, 5Dim, ModMash.