MadClown01's Science

Sick of the same old boring science recipes, want some variety in your games... give this mod a try. Adds several alternative science packs to the base game, Bobs or AB games. Also adds Research Facilities for generation of science packs from fluids & power, a Particle Accelerator for endgame generation from power alone.

5 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g [Fixed] Error loading mod

4 years ago

I've got this error when starting.

4 years ago

actually after that error is fixed the same thing happens with logistic pack on line 99. It works for me if i simply add a nullcheck on both (if data.raw.recipe["automation-science-pack"].icons then).

4 years ago

Thanks for the report, ill fix this when i can, the icon/icons icon_size issue is really doing my head in across many of the mods i maintain...

4 years ago

Can you confirm if this is still an issue?

4 years ago

I don't think it is but it's hard to test since i have trouble with other mods