MadClown01's Processing

- Sand sluicing for platinum, chrome, gold etc featuring original graphics - Uranium processing chain, in the style of Angel's Smelting - Phosphorus processing to fertilizer, (crafting base for phosphorus munitions) - Garden mutation from other types of gardens, using radioactive material - Mercury filtering from thermal water - Neurotoxin production - Catalytic electrolysis & air filtering to generate large amounts of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen -Osmium smelting -Depleted uranium smelting -Advanced Centrifuging

1 year, 5 days ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Problem with disabld centrifugues

4 years ago

Disabling centrifugues 2 and 3 breaks madClown AngelBob Nuclear:

prototypes/more-override.lua:6: attempt to index field "centrifuguing-2" (a nil value)

4 years ago

I've fixed it with this code, in AngelBob Nuclear/prototypes/more-override.lua:6

if settings.startup["MCP_enable_centrifuges"].value == true then
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["centrifuging-2"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "clowns-centrifuging-65%"})
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["centrifuging-2"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "clowns-centrifuging-70%"})
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["centrifuging-2"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "clowns-centrifuging-75%"})
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["centrifuging-2"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "clowns-centrifuging-80%"})
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["centrifuging-1"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "depleted-uranium-reprocessing"})
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["centrifuging-1"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "clowns-centrifuging-45%"})
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["centrifuging-1"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "clowns-centrifuging-55%"})
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["nuclear-power"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "clowns-centrifuging-65%"})
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["nuclear-power"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "clowns-centrifuging-70%"})
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["nuclear-power"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "clowns-centrifuging-75%"})
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["nuclear-power"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "clowns-centrifuging-80%"})
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["nuclear-power"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "depleted-uranium-reprocessing"})
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["nuclear-power"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "clowns-centrifuging-45%"})
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["nuclear-power"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "clowns-centrifuging-55%"})

4 years ago

basicallyif centrifugues are on, same as before, but if they are not, the recipes get unlocked in the nuclear-power tech

4 years ago

OMG, why did i not even test the nuclear mod... derp.
I will integrate this change and update it, thanks