MadClown01's Processing

- Sand sluicing for platinum, chrome, gold etc featuring original graphics - Uranium processing chain, in the style of Angel's Smelting - Phosphorus processing to fertilizer, (crafting base for phosphorus munitions) - Garden mutation from other types of gardens, using radioactive material - Mercury filtering from thermal water - Neurotoxin production - Catalytic electrolysis & air filtering to generate large amounts of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen -Osmium smelting -Depleted uranium smelting -Advanced Centrifuging

1 year, 5 days ago
0.16 - 1.1

b [Fixed][Angels] crashing angelsrefinery

4 years ago


I just got a bug report on the angels forums, which seems that the latest release (last night) did let your mod crash.

Kind regards

4 years ago

charming... guess ill have to get on this in the morning

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I can humbly confirm, thank you pezzawinkle ._.

Here's what I've got:

202.076 Factorio initialised
202.084 Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: Error while loading recipe prototype "solid-salt-from-saline" (recipe): Key "icon_size" not found in property tree at ROOT.recipe.solid-salt-from-saline
Modifications: Angel's Refining › MadClown01's Processing
Mods to be disabled:
• angelsrefining (0.11.5)
• Clowns-Processing (1.3.8)

4 years ago

This is also the case for angelsrefining(0.11.6)

4 years ago

Please enjoy the update, this should fix it, with a few extra graphical updates

4 years ago

Thanks, love your mods