MadClown01's Processing

- Sand sluicing for platinum, chrome, gold etc featuring original graphics - Uranium processing chain, in the style of Angel's Smelting - Phosphorus processing to fertilizer, (crafting base for phosphorus munitions) - Garden mutation from other types of gardens, using radioactive material - Mercury filtering from thermal water - Neurotoxin production - Catalytic electrolysis & air filtering to generate large amounts of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen -Osmium smelting -Depleted uranium smelting -Advanced Centrifuging

1 year, 5 days ago
0.16 - 1.1

b [Fixed] "Enable depleted uranium" and "tile stack override" options don't work

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

In your prototypes/technology/depleted-uranium.lua file, line 1, you have the following code to determine if an option is enabled:

if settings.startup["depleted-uranium"] then

However, this only checks if the "depleted-uranium" option exists, not whether it is turned on or not. This should be

if settings.startup["depleted-uranium"].value then

This same error is repeated in prototypes/overrides.lua, line 3:

if settings.startup["tile-stack-override"] then
5 years ago

thanks for the catch, will upload the fix (along with the crafting time one now)