MadClown01's Processing

- Sand sluicing for platinum, chrome, gold etc featuring original graphics - Uranium processing chain, in the style of Angel's Smelting - Phosphorus processing to fertilizer, (crafting base for phosphorus munitions) - Garden mutation from other types of gardens, using radioactive material - Mercury filtering from thermal water - Neurotoxin production - Catalytic electrolysis & air filtering to generate large amounts of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen -Osmium smelting -Depleted uranium smelting -Advanced Centrifuging

1 year, 5 days ago
0.16 - 1.1

b [Fixed] Pure sorting recipes take 0.5 seconds to craft

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I have a resolution to this bug after running into the same issue myself:
When the pure sorting recipes are defined, the "energy_required" field is outside of the .normal/.expensive difficulty data. This is how Angel's Refining defines the recipes in refining-dynamic.lua. However, this doesn't work for some reason when you try it in-game: you get a recipe time of 0.5 seconds, despite setting "energy_required". However, if you move the "energy_required" inside the .normal/.expensive difficulty data, it correctly detects the recipe craft time.

So the prototype should go from looking like this:

            type = "recipe",
            name = "manganese-pure-processing",
            category = "ore-sorting",
            subgroup = "ore-sorting-advanced",
            energy_required = 1.5,
            allow_decomposition = false,
            normal =
                enabled = false,
                ingredients =
                    {type="item", name="clowns-ore6-crushed", amount=2},
                    {type="item", name="angels-ore2-crushed", amount=2},
                    {type="item", name="catalysator-brown", amount=1},
                results =
                    {type="item", name="manganese-ore", amount=4},
            expensive =
                enabled = false,
                ingredients =
                    {type="item", name="clowns-ore6-crushed", amount=3 * rawmulti},
                    {type="item", name="angels-ore2-crushed", amount=3 * rawmulti},
                    {type="item", name="catalysator-brown", amount=1},
                results =
                    {type="item", name="manganese-ore", amount=4},
            icons =
                    icon = "__Clowns-Processing__/graphics/icons/sorting.png"
                    icon = "__angelssmelting__/graphics/icons/ore-manganese.png",
                    scale = 0.5,
                    shift = {8, 8},

            icon_size = 32,
            order = "o-a"--Just after Uranium

to something like this:

            type = "recipe",
            name = "manganese-pure-processing",
            category = "ore-sorting",
            subgroup = "ore-sorting-advanced",
            allow_decomposition = false,
            normal =
                enabled = false,
                energy_required = 1.5,
                ingredients =
                    {type="item", name="clowns-ore6-crushed", amount=2},
                    {type="item", name="angels-ore2-crushed", amount=2},
                    {type="item", name="catalysator-brown", amount=1},
                results =
                    {type="item", name="manganese-ore", amount=4},
            expensive =
                enabled = false,
                energy_required = 1.5,
                ingredients =
                    {type="item", name="clowns-ore6-crushed", amount=3 * rawmulti},
                    {type="item", name="angels-ore2-crushed", amount=3 * rawmulti},
                    {type="item", name="catalysator-brown", amount=1},
                results =
                    {type="item", name="manganese-ore", amount=4},
            icons =
                    icon = "__Clowns-Processing__/graphics/icons/sorting.png"
                    icon = "__angelssmelting__/graphics/icons/ore-manganese.png",
                    scale = 0.5,
                    shift = {8, 8},

            icon_size = 32,
            order = "o-a"--Just after Uranium
5 years ago

A minor nitpick to the solution of this problem: manganese and phosphorus ore sorting have a crafting time of 1.5, but all crushed and chunk pure sorting recipes have a crafting time of 1, not 1.5.

5 years ago

ill update that in the next patch, im getting a little tired at the moment, and i have made quite a few updates in the last 3 hours :D

5 years ago

I can see that. No need to rush or anything, I can wait :D