MadClown01's Processing

- Sand sluicing for platinum, chrome, gold etc featuring original graphics - Uranium processing chain, in the style of Angel's Smelting - Phosphorus processing to fertilizer, (crafting base for phosphorus munitions) - Garden mutation from other types of gardens, using radioactive material - Mercury filtering from thermal water - Neurotoxin production - Catalytic electrolysis & air filtering to generate large amounts of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen -Osmium smelting -Depleted uranium smelting -Advanced Centrifuging

1 year, 5 days ago
0.16 - 1.1

b [Fixed] Error while running event clow01‘s Processimg

5 years ago

模组加载失败: Clowns- Processing_/ data. lua:44: Clowns- Processing_/ prototypes/ overrides.lua:156: attempt to index field 'battery-mk3-equipment' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Clowns-processing/prototypes/overrides, lua: 156: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
Clowns-processing/data. lua: 44: in main chunk
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
Clowns-processing/data. lua: 44: in main chunk
· Clowns-processing

5 years ago

game system 0.17.36~0.17.41

5 years ago

Please fix it~thank you~

5 years ago

Same problem here :( please fix it or tell us how to solve it pleaaas :)

i have the same problem

5 years ago

Same problem. FIX IT!!! PLEASE!!!

Okay, so apparently you also need Bob's personal equipment for it to work, i am guessing Clown forgot to add that dependency