MadClown01's Processing

- Sand sluicing for platinum, chrome, gold etc featuring original graphics - Uranium processing chain, in the style of Angel's Smelting - Phosphorus processing to fertilizer, (crafting base for phosphorus munitions) - Garden mutation from other types of gardens, using radioactive material - Mercury filtering from thermal water - Neurotoxin production - Catalytic electrolysis & air filtering to generate large amounts of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen -Osmium smelting -Depleted uranium smelting -Advanced Centrifuging

1 year, 5 days ago
0.16 - 1.1

b [Solved] 0.17 update issue...

5 years ago

So your mod is out for 0.17 but the only problem seems to be that it depends on Angels Bio Processing......A mod that's not out for 0.17....

5 years ago

I'm anticipating an Angel update

5 years ago

I'm getting an issue where I can't load the mod. "[...] overrides.lua:161 attempt to index field 'energy-shield-mk3-equipment [...]"

5 years ago

I get an error "[...] overrides.lua:156 attempt to index field 'battery-mk3-equipment' [...]"

5 years ago

I have found out that you need to add the new bob equipment mod as an additional dependency to fix this.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I have found out that you need to add the new bob equipment mod as an additional dependency to fix this.

That fixed it for me, thanks!