
by Yehn

Changes the parameters of the solar cycle: Make days longer or shorter and control what portion of the cycle is night. Make nights darker if you like. Includes an optional Sun Never Rises mode.

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g How to change the Day/Night Cycle??

5 years ago

Hi, Can you assist with mod? There are no instructions on how to use this, and all I want to do is increase the day, and shorten the night. I am in game, so I dont want to change the Start setting. Can you tell me what I have to change to do this?

5 years ago

Hi there,

So to start with, navigate to "settings" and then "mod settings" and open the "Map" tab. If you mouse over the settings here, all of them have tooltips explaining their use. But in short, if you want compressed nights, Dawn and Dusk should be further apart. Evening and Morning should be closer together. For example, using 0.45, 0.48, 0.52, and 0.55 would give you very short nights, quickly returning to full daytime brightness.

Hope this helps, and good luck out there.

4 years ago

Of course, if you ONLY want day, you can also use the command line cheat:
/c game.player.surface.always_day=true

4 years ago

0.25, 0.3, 0.75, 0.8 will produce short time for lights to change and night and day will be equal right? I want day/night to be equal and I hate how badly vanilla lamps react to half-bright light.

4 years ago

0.25, 0.3, 0.75, 0.8 will produce short time for lights to change and night and day will be equal right? I want day/night to be equal and I hate how badly vanilla lamps react to half-bright light.

Yes, looks like you've balanced it pretty evenly there - that would give a short transition with half the time being day and night each.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Im having a hard time visualizing this as well, Im aiming for long dark nights 20min and a short day of like 10 min. I have .15 .2 .9 .95 is that right?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

@lordfool I was really boring this night and I made this :
You can set up your clock and visualise it on that site. Have fun.

For author @Yehn - you can take my "web-app" and plug *anywhere you want if you want to. Tho I'm not having serious hosting yet, so it might get archivized. You can coppy-paste source code, as there is nothing in php, and all is in 1 file.

I hope if you just write numbers from mod to my site it will represent it well, but I changed names completly in comparation to mod x_x and I'm very much lost in naming by now. Please tell me if everything works well.

4 years ago

Thanks for that max, it still makes no sense to me though. Could you add a section where you can add the total leg nth of time periods you want for each cycle and have it output the decimal?

4 years ago

@lordfool I was really boring this night and I made this :
You can set up your clock and visualise it on that site. Have fun.

For author @Yehn - you can take my "web-app" and plug everywhere you want if you want to. Tho I'm not having serious hosting yet, so it might get archivized. You can coppy-paste source code, as there is nothing in php, and all is in 1 file.

I hope if you just write numbers from mod to my site it will represent it well, but I changed names completly in comparation to mod x_x and I'm very much lost in naming by now. Please tell me if everything works well.


Firstly, thanks for making this tool and secondly, thanks for the offer. Unfortunately it's not something I can use directly.

I have thought sometimes that I'd like to make a more intuitive UI for this, but one of the challenges if that the Factorio settings screen is entirely static - I can't dynamically change things there. Still, at some point I might be able to add something like "daytime in seconds" "nighttime in seconds" and so on.

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