Clear Skies of Peace - Toggle Fog of War

by Qon

A shortcut button and a hotkey (default F7) for toggling Fog of War. Now you can actually place blueprints anywhere on the map view without them being cut off and requiring multiple placements. Like having radars everywhere at no cost. Simple toggle so you can disable it anytime you are not placing blueprints on map in case you want to use radars primarily.

4 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

i [Implemented] rechart() instead of chart_all()

4 years ago

chart_all() charts all generated chunks, which is significantly more on the edges than revealed by radar (espscially in early game where the pre-generated map bits aren't explored yet). In PvP Multiplayer it would also chart the enemies region. rechart() only reveals charts that the force already knows anyway.

4 years ago

Thanks for telling me about this function! For my case it didn't really matter, but rechart is actually what I intended it to be. Mostly. I play a lot of creative mode so chart_all is better then. But rechart and chart_all will be options. Rechart will probably be the new default.

4 years ago

I implemented it in v1.2.0.
But the mod portal is bugged so I can't upload it :/
I guess I'll wait a while and try again later.

4 years ago

Uploaded! Thanks Sanqui for fixing it :)

Version: 1.2.0
Date: 2020-08-27 14:05
Minor Features:
- Added setting for type of reveal: Discovered chunks (default) and Generated chunks (old behaviour).
Thanks to eradicator for suggesting this!

4 years ago

Quite quick at generating new certificates he is :).
Also thanks for putting credit in the changelog ^^.

New response