Does that sound right?
Sounds right in general.
Store the # of my SteamEngines in a constant combinator.
Didn't look for one, but maybe there's a mod that straight-up counts buildings in some (comparatively large) radius?
Output each signal from the Pole's combinator to its own arithmetic combinator to multiply by 100.
I think you can use *
input (all signals), multiply that by 100, and *
output to replace these N combinators with one.
Use arithmetic combinators to divide each (multiplied above) signal by its corresponding K (or W/T if looking at the total). The result is the percentage as a number from 0-100.
Guess that'd still need N combos, unless you use something like LuaCombinator2 (probably my favorite mod), which allows you to just skip the puzzles and write whatever logic you want in lua (one of the simpliest programming langs).
I setup 5 lights for each Percentage that light up if > 0, 20, 40, 60, 80. 0, 20 and 40 are green, 60 is yellow, 80 is red.
I'd use one of the Nixie Tube mods. Note that in my experience Santa's is actually more UPS-hungry one.
I setup a speaker to make a global alert when W's usage Percentage is over 80.
Hm, yeah, though note that it'll keep blaring that alert, unless you add a latch made of combinators between that >80 decider and speaker.
(lookup "factorio SR Latch" or check out circuit cookbook on factorio wiki, or can just use LuaCombinator2 above)