Circuit Controlled Silo

Allows a circuit signal to control when a rocket is launched

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Max stack size of satellites in Red Silo

3 years ago

Is there a 'hidden' max stack size with satellites using you're stacked recipes? Both to manufacture and use in the red silo I guess. I was using stacksize of 100 but, the resulting satellites stack size is only one!

3 years ago

I may have found another mod that fixes this problem. Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes Compressed Stacksize Override mod by zaflis stacks satellites to what the setting on your beltboxes mod is set at.

3 years ago

Satellites usually only stack in "ones". Launching a normal "satellite" return 1000 space science packs.

You will want to be careful about launching "space science" as only a single stack of fish (200) can be returned. So the most "space science" you want to launch should be 200.