ChunkyChunks - Configurable Gridlines

by Qon

Chunk aligned blueprints? Display chunk lines without the annoying tile lines that the debug option adds. Configurable grids at any sizes if your blueprints are substation, chunk, roboport or radar sized (or any other size)!

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g [Not a bug] Disabled grids reappear after toggling

3 years ago

Whenever I disable a grid (specifically the 3rd one) it will re-enable itself after toggling the grid off and on with the button in the hotbar.

3 years ago

This is not a bug. Maybe a bit unintuitive though. Toggling turns on/off all grids (with the setting "enabled" set to always/disabled), that's all it does. The mod doesn't store the enabled settings values when the grids are turned off. Seemed like unecessary complication.

Solution: If you want grid 3 to always be off even when toggled on, set the size of grid 3 to 0.

1 year, 10 months ago

I also came here to report this "not a bug". Feels like a bug to me. But thanks for the workaround of setting reappearing unwanted grids to size of zero.

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