ChunkyChunks - Configurable Gridlines

by Qon

Chunk aligned blueprints? Display chunk lines without the annoying tile lines that the debug option adds. Configurable grids at any sizes if your blueprints are substation, chunk, roboport or radar sized (or any other size)!

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g [API needed] Is is possible to have the grid display on the map?

4 years ago

My OCD is really enjoying this mod :)
But would it be possible to have the grid also display on the map?

4 years ago

No, but there's an interface request for the Factorio modding API which would make this possible.

I would love to have it too! Tell the devs in that thread why map view rendering would be useful to you. The more interest and the more detailed explanations of usecases there is the more likely it is to happen :)

4 years ago

cool added my request and a use case to the interface request

4 years ago

Well written, thanks :)

New response