ChunkyChunks - Configurable Gridlines

by Qon

Chunk aligned blueprints? Display chunk lines without the annoying tile lines that the debug option adds. Configurable grids at any sizes if your blueprints are substation, chunk, roboport or radar sized (or any other size)!

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

i [Implemented] wishlist: "Show Tile Grid Lite" style cross markers at chunk boundaries

4 years ago

G'day. It'd be real nice to have the little "cross" style markers that Show Tile Grid Lite has -- basically, a small cross placed at each corner of the chunk, rather than a full outline of it. Thank you!

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Seems like a reasonable request. The spacing option is partially overlapping in how it uses some API features, but I think I know how to solve it. It should be doable still.
I thought I had already implemented this a while ago. But then going through the options I see that it is a missing feature.

Edit: Maybe spacing and cross markers shouldn't be possible to use together even if it is technically possible. Might just look confusing if both are used at once. Maybe users get to choose one or the other but not both at the same time for the same grid?

4 years ago

Done. Negative spacing to set size of cross. I'm Qonsidering making some easier to find separate setting for this feature later, but should be testable now. Tell me what you think.

4 years ago

Thank you very much. I'll try it out soon. :)

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