Capsule Ammo

by Qon

Fuse Capsules with ammunition. The capsules are fun, but even more fun when you can use them a bit quicker, without the hassle of switching between them and the deployment being automated when you shoot!

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Landmine Not Atomic

3 years ago

Thanks for the mod, I'm loving the red tip rocket with cluster grenade combo !! However when I tried the atomic bomb with the landmine, it exploded with the central mushroom cloud but NO shockwave outwards blast. I placed it in a path of about 50 biters and it only killed the first two like a regular landmine would but with mushroom cloud and it darkened the ground like an atom bomb would. It didn't even take out trees that were very close by the mine.
Thanks for any help.

3 years ago

Thanks for the report!
Unfortunately this is a known issue that I haven't managed to fix yet. Atomic bomb in magazines are also not working properly :/
For the bullets I think the direct damage works but the AOE doesn't, which is almost all of the damage gone.
(Mentioned in info page)

Atomic bombs do work in artillery shells and explosive rockets. But not really that useful in explosive rockets I guess...

All the capsule ammo is generated by code, I don't see why atomic boms don't work. I've inspected the generated prototypes and they look fine but still somehow don't work. I will take a look at another mods nuke mines and compare and see if I can spot any difference.

Sorry for the issues, thanks for trying my mod though :)
Hopefully they will work eventually...
I considered disabling those recipes so people didn't craft them and waste their atomic bombs and their time but forgot.

3 years ago

I tried the other nuke mine mod but it was too expensive to research so I deleted it.
I don't know how difficult it is but I wouldn't mind a lite version of your mod. I don't see adding 3 or 4 other ammos together.
I'd settle for 2 as max. Plus it would clean up the research window quite a bit.
Hopefully the nuke landmine can work eventually, but the biters won't be happy about it LOL
Thanks again.

3 years ago

There's a setting that limits the maximum amount of capsules per ammo. Default is 4 but you can use whatever you prefer :)

I have considered also adding settings for blocking some capsules and ammo from being using in combinations so you only get the ones you like.

I would like nuke mines as well :D
And yes the explosive rockets with cluster grenades are pretty awesome.
In my current playthrough I haven't unlocked cluster nades but slowdown, poison and distractor capsules are all great as well :)

3 years ago

Any chances of adding uranium gun ammo to the combinations, currently all I see is the red gun ammo.

3 years ago

I added it to red ammo instead of uranium since red deals decent damage already and with the capsules it becomes about on par with uranium ammo in terms of usefulness. Capsules deal damage and utility, so it's an alternative upgrade path instead of just straight up more damage like green ammo is. And I wanted to limit the amount of stuff generated without use, there would be a lot of pointless recipes if both red and green ammo could be upgraded with capsules as soon as you get green ammo. But red ammo and capsules are available earlier so having the capsules in only green ammo would be bad as well. Red ammo with distractors + slowdown + whatever is already probably much stronger than plain uranium ammo. In my view capsule ammo is more fun than uranium ammo and stronger if enough/the correct capsules are used so it's already more than good enough.

Originally the regular rockets didn't have capsule combinations but the explosive ones did. I didn't put it on the yellow or green rockets at first for the same reason I didn't put it on the yellow or green ammo. But sometimes the explosion from red rockets deal damage to yourself and your things (they killed my minefield) so I felt that there was a case for putting capsules in yellow rockets. But it would be pretty pointless to add capsules to green rockets/atomic bombs, everything is mostly dead already once you use it so why add capsule effects to some empty crater? Uranium magazines aren't as extreme but I kind of feel similar for those for similar reasons. It would be pretty boring.

But it would be trivial to add it if I wanted to... someone would have to write some good reasons to though.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I was just hoping for more useful ways to get rid of all the damn U-238 that ends up stockpiling LOL

3 years ago

Either nuke your U-238 stockpile or maybe find some other mod that burns through that. I think there is a mod that adds a uranium-to-landfill recipe, that should do it.

3 years ago

Yes I could do that but I'd prefer to have new ways to kill bugs with it :)

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