Capsule Ammo

by Qon

Fuse Capsules with ammunition. The capsules are fun, but even more fun when you can use them a bit quicker, without the hassle of switching between them and the deployment being automated when you shoot!

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1
4 years ago
Latest Version:
0.1.5 (3 years ago)
Factorio version:
1.0 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
679 users

Capsule Ammo

is ammo with capsules in it. Craft it with the ammo and capsules you want in it. Research more combinations. Enjoy spending all your resources on capsules! Try some fun capsule combinations instead of just more fire power!

All thrown capsules (included modded ones) can be combined with piercing rounds magazine, explosive rockets, land mines and artillery shells.
Cliff explosives excluded. Atomic bombs and artillery targeting remote counts as a capsule here :)
I'm considering treating land mines placement and/or land mine explosions as capsule effects that you can add to the ammunition types, but that might be a bit over powered.


Some options for what research should be necessary and how the recipes should work are included.


  • 'No': No research needed.
  • 'Levels only': There's one research for each count of capsules infused in ammo, and then all ammo combinations up to that count are unlocked. Not recommended if you are going to research high infusion counts since that makes it hard to find the recipes you want to craft.
  • 'Individual recipes': There's one research for each recipe.
  • 'Complete': Combination of 'Levels only' and 'Individual recipes'. Default.


  • 'Simple': Recipes are the basic ammo + the capsules needed. Default.
  • 'Complex, cheap': Ammo with 2 capsules has the ammo with capsule 1 infused (infuse N capsules requires all the N-1 subtypes as ingredients). Gives N ammo as result. Preserves ammo count, capsules are cheaper to use in ammo like this than directly.*
  • 'Complex, expensive': Like 'Complex, cheap' but only gives 1 infused ammo as result. Preserves capsule count equivalent but requires more basic ammo to craft high capsule count infusions.

There's no migration script yet so "Levels only" research will not unlock new capsules added by mods after technology has been researched that should unlock those.

The mod allows up to 4 types of capsules/ammo item with enough research. But the limit is configurable. But higher numbers don't make much sense anyways, you don't really need 5 capsules deployed at once. Also with a very high number of capsules in an ammo prototype the prototype names (currently) becomes so long that they will either fail to be created or other badly written mods that create new prototypes from the ones in this mod will crash if they don't check that their prototypes don't exceed the limit.


No runtime scripts are used so performance is excellent.
And the ammo works in turrets, tanks, spidertrons etc just like you would expect. It means turrets and remote spidertrons can also have destroyer capsules and similar deployed and following them!

Known issues

  • Land mines and AP magazines don't apply the atomic bomb explosion correctly currently, so don't waste your atomic bombs on those. Atomic bombs works great in artillery shells and explosive rockets (but that is almost pointless in rockets since atomic bombs can be launched directly, maybe useful for stack size?).
  • Rampant isn't really working properly with CA yet. It was working with an earlier version though, so there's hope if I get the time.
  • There's a setting for what the maximum number of capsules can be infused in ammo is. By default it's 4. It's primarily there to avoid creating a lot of useless combanation that spams your research window with useless stuff and increase your startup time needlessly. But if you increase this setting to something ridiculous like 9 then some combo ammo with all those capsules won't be available because of technical reasons (prototype name length limit). It could be fixed, but it's not really worth it if no-one is going to try to craft ammo with all the capsules anyways...


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