Capsule Ammo

by Qon

Fuse Capsules with ammunition. The capsules are fun, but even more fun when you can use them a bit quicker, without the hassle of switching between them and the deployment being automated when you shoot!

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

b [Resolved] Invisible itens

3 years ago


I was testing on sandbox and the ammo are invisible on belts??? also they dont appear as a icon over a chest that has them (w/ alt mode). But they do appear on inventory.

This mod is amazing btw. Looking foward for updates :)

3 years ago

Thanks for reporting.
I will get around to fixing it eventually I guess q:
The mod doesn't have that many downloads so I wasn't sure if anyone cared :)

What's your favourite use case? What ammo and what modules do you combine? What settings do you use for research and crafting requirements?

3 years ago

I like anything with the poison capsule lol... rockets w/ poison cloud are very efective agains nests with lots of worms :p
As for configs, I didn't really change anything.
The amount of reasearch and itens combination that is added is kinda of alot... I only played around with the simple ones that combine 2 types of ammo.

3 years ago

Yeah I really like any combination of explosive rockets with poison, slow and distractors. I haven't researched 3 capsules in one ammo yet in my current world but all 3 will be great :)
Also since I'm playing with mines for defence I use the non-explosive rockets as well to not kill my own mines.

The amount of reasearch and itens combination that is added is kinda of alot

There's settings so you don't have to research individual ammo, you can just research a capsule count. But that unlocks a lot of ammo that you probably don't want to craft so it makes it hard to find the right combination in your crafting menu. And the research menu has a good tree view for finding the right combination of items and you use it not as often so it's not a big problem to have a lot of researches as it is to have too much unlocked recipes. :)

3 years ago


Version: 0.1.1
- Changed scaling of icons in-world. They are now a bit too large instead of so small that they
are invisible. But if I change it to be properly sized in-world then the inventory icons will
be incorrectly scaled. It's very confusing trying to layer icons and there's no
documentation, just a mix of outdated bug workaround threads and conflicting information. It
might actually be impossible to do it correctly?

3 years ago

They are so big lol

but its fine. <3
So, you are creating the icons by code? thats cool... guess manual would be crazy work with all the combinations

3 years ago

guess manual would be crazy work with all the combinations

It would also be impossible to support modded capsules automatically if I had to make icons manually :)
Modded capsules have limited actual testing yet though. And I might need to add a dependency for some mods just so that those capsules load before this mod so they are visible

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