Capsule Ammo

by Qon

Fuse Capsules with ammunition. The capsules are fun, but even more fun when you can use them a bit quicker, without the hassle of switching between them and the deployment being automated when you shoot!

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g contact

4 years ago

hello Qon, i work on a similary mods
hare you free on discord to coatch me ? Dae#5125 =)

4 years ago

If there's something small you are wondering about then sure I'd like to help out. You can ask a question here maybe? What is it that you are trying to make and what is the issue?

I'm quite busy though so I can't spend too much time doing coaching. To help other modders for free I'm currently working on a library that should help a bit with doing advanced operations. Doing individual consultation is a bit time inefficient if it only helps one at a time.

4 years ago

I try to maintain its two mods which are a bit dated. they use an inventory and capsule system, just like you,

except that for firedepartement I completely deactivated the water capsules because the code is incompatible with the current version of factorio.

for universal turret, I would like to be able to integrate some of your creations or other mod object without risk of all of them exploding.

I'm a beginner in codding, I need a teacher or a partner more than a wiki tutorial.

with fire department, I have some problems with the propagation of the game, which is either zero or uncontrollable,
Additionally, dropped items should catch fire, but this only supports vanilla items, not modded ammo loaders.

on KS power, I cannot apply the pollution values that I entered, suddenly the objects have no impact on the environment,

and for my mode with my blueprints, I would like to be able to add the bp directly into the game, currently it is only a txt file to c / p itself.

4 years ago

I'm a beginner in codding, I need a teacher or a partner more than a wiki tutorial.

I wish I could help you. But I am already helping others with programming where I find it most fun for me or where I get paid to do so. And I also have all my own projects and my studies. If you want to hire me as a consultant or contract me to update the mods then I could do that for sufficient pay. I have updated "Gun Equipment" mod (by DeznekCZ, makes bullet magazine turrets as equipment) to work with all kinds of modded magazines, so maybe take a look at that mod for inspiration on how to achieve that.

I can't take on things like "fix all these mods" or "teach me how to make mods". That's just way more work and time than I can afford to give out without compensation. :/

If you have a specific question though then I'll try to answer (for free). :)

4 years ago

could you contact me on discord to talking about prices ? ;)

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